As we endeavour to achieve ‘The World’s Toughest Row’ we will become Australia’s first woman’s pair to row from San Sebastian, La Gomera, Spain to Antigua & Barbuda.
We will be met with endless challenges and triumphs as we reach each milestone steering us towards the start line in La Gomera for the commencement of the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2022. During the row, we will endure: sleep deprivation; fatigue; mental exertion; and solidarity; surrounded by endless views of ocean, as we achieve 3000 miles of ocean rowing across the Atlantic to reach our destination, Antigua!
Connect with us through our social media avenues as we share you in our venture , as we make the required preparations to meet the race pre-requisites and ensure we are race ready. During this time we will:
Undertake extensive physical and psychological training
Complete the mandatory requirements in order qualify for the challenge:
120 compulsory rowing hours, 24 hours in darkness
RYA safety courses
Ocean rowing course
Undertake boat, equipment and supplies inspections
Prepare Boudicea for our comfort and needs
Organised fundraising events